Thursday, January 10, 2002

Marney Update... At eight months, she's at the 80th percentile for height, 75th percentile for weight, and 40th percentile for head circumference. Her head doesn't look out of proportion. (28", 19.25 lbs)

In other Marney news, she crawled across the floor for the first time last night (and the second time and third and fourth...). Karen and I were sitting in our basement, eating chinese food and watching TV while Marney napped. A little bit after she woke up, she spied my plate and crawled straight toward it. Once there, I picked her up and moved her back across the room... and she went striaght back to the plate. Repeat 10-20 times.

We had seen her take a couple tentative moves forwards, but this was truly the first time that we've seen her crawl so directly and speedily.

Time to babyproof the house.

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